Firstly, Happy New Year! 2025 already. I can’t believe how fast 2024 went by; I think I blinked and we were already in December. Perhaps this was because I’d fallen very behind with my new book (psychological thriller provisionally titled When Bad Things Happen…), which I had hoped to have completed by the end of the year. It’s now looking like the book won’t be out until 2026 at the earliest. On the positive side, I’ve been working on the novel alongside a fabulous editor called Helen Francis (via the excellent Jericho Writers), who has been giving me a lot of very positive encouragement with the book, and I feel like it’s really taking shape.
2024 did bring some exciting news: my publishers, Hera/Canelo, have been taken over by DK Publishing, who are part of the mighty Penguin publishing empire, so hopefully that will mean a boost in promotion and a subsequent boost in sales.
On a personal front, I’ve decided that 2025 is the year I will finally get around to tidying up our garden, which has been sadly neglected since we moved in to our current house over two years ago. We did manage to paint the walls last summer (it’s a courtyard garden surrounded by 8ft hight walls), but due to a lack of time and enthusiasm (mostly enthusiasm!) we didn’t make much progress with the garden itself. I’m certain with a bit of imagination and effort, this could be a really attractive space for sitting and reading on a summer’s day, although the attached photo showing its current state would suggest we still have some way to go before achieving that…

Garden in winter.