The passing of another year. An eventful year for me – moving house and publishing two further books in the Denning and Fisher series. RUN FOR COVER came out in May – accompanied by a book launch in a local bookshop (The Hastings Bookshop), which was a first for me and an interesting experience. Book 5– SHAME THE DEVIL – came out in October, and is already selling well.
Looking ahead, I’m about to start work on book 6 in the series, due to be published in the autumn of 2023. This is likely to be the final book in the Denning and Fisher series as after discussion with my publishers, we both feel it’s time to move on. The books have sold well, and I’ve enjoyed writing them, but the time does feel right to bring the series to an end. However, it won’t be a definitive full stop – there’s always the chance I might return to the series if I feel there are more stories to be told. And, of course, if there’s a demand for more books in the series…
Police procedural crime stories bring their own challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the need to ensure there’s a level of factual accuracy, though being a work of fiction the writer is allowed an element of ‘creative licence’ as long as the technical details of a murder investigation are factually correct. In this respect I’ve been helped from the start by Graham Bartlett. Graham is a former Chief Superintendent with Brighton and Hove Police who now advises writers on the technical accuracies of police procedure, and can be contacted via his website. 2022 saw Graham publish his first novel – BAD FOR GOOD, which is well worth a read.
On a personal level, 2022 saw me move house. I regularly post pics of the new abode on my Instagram account, along with pictures of my dog (Peggy) and two Siamese cat (Bella and Raffles).
So, what else will 2023 bring? As well as the sixth Denning and Fisher novel, I’m also currently working on a standalone psychological crime thriller about a novelist who is being tormented by events form her past – events she thought were long buried and forgotten. The book should be out sometime in 2024, and I will keep prospective readers informed on my blogsite.
In the meantime, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a wonderful and prosperous 2023.