As 2023 slowly eases itself into 2024, it’s a good time to look back on the past year (not that I believe too much in looking back – it’s always better to look forward). I published the sixth book in the Denning and Fisher crimes series. I started writing the first book in the series (Know No Evil) almost ten years ago, finally finding a publisher in 2019. Whilst it’s been a pleasure writing the series and getting to know the characters, I’m looking forward now to new challenges. With that in mind, I’m currently writing a standalone psychological thriller, which is taking my writing in a slightly different direction. I don’t – as yet – have a publisher for the book, but I’m keeping everything crossed for it.
However, we haven’t heard the last of Denning and Fisher. I’d still like to return to the series at a later date and do something different with the characters; perhaps a change of setting, or a change of career for one of the characters… I also have some ideas for two very different crime series, which I’d like to start on in 2024: one is a cosy crime series featuring two amateur sleuths, while the other is set in the early 1900s.
So, plenty happening in 2024. Please keep checking the website for more details. Or follow me on social media: threads, and instagram. Get in touch any time as I love chatting to readers and hearing your feedback.
In the meantime, all the very to everyone and here’s to a great 2024!